The Indie Shelf Project 2015: join us!

October 31, 2014

With my yarn dyeing sabbatical imminent, there is going to be a gap on our shop shelves. For ages I've wanted to find a way to provide a platform for local indie dyers, but between two shops and dyeing myself it was left to linger in the too-hard basket. 


No longer! It is with great excitement we announce the Indie Shelf Project 2015. Each month during the year we will have a different NZ indie dyer gracing our shelves. 



Are you a yarn dyer (or know one)? Send an email to and we'll get back to you with all the info. Fancy being involved but are based in Australia? Give us a yell too and we'll see if we can figure something out. 


Connie ghanchi

Connie ghanchi said:

i am a knitter from Steven Be’s in MPLS. I love knitting with Madeline Tosh and Quince and co.

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