Handmade 2012: the ad that wasn't

May 30, 2012

Sometimes, when things a little crazy and busy, I have some silly ideas. When putting together the ad for the Handmade 2012 hand book, there was this silly little idea that wouldn't go away.

An alternative ad, featuring The Gos.

The ad that wasn't:

Uh huh.

There would probably be trouble if I used Ryan's image in a print ad... so here is the ad that was:


becky rogers

becky rogers said:

Love it, Tash, love it.


Nikki said:

Hahahahahaha that’s so awesome! I wish you’d been able to use it. :D xx


Jo said:

Love it – but I am equally sad that the Handmade Ryan Gosling Tumblr has finished up! Hope you have a great time at Handmade!

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