New stock and a good cardigan.

May 23, 2014

Don't mind the terrible photo!

As the weather has slowly moved towards winter, i've been gradually pulling out my cardigans and sweaters and adding them back into rotation. Yesterday was Manu's turn: and I remembered how much I love it as a cardigan. It's simple enough to wear with anything, but has those interesting little design features that make it magic. The pleats around the neckline, the puffed out sleeves at the cuff, the i-cord bind-off. I used Cascade 220 Superwash Sport in Lake Chelan Heather for mine, and it's worn beautifully over the last two years. Do excuse the terrible (old) selfie to illustrate, and speaking of terrible selfies, here's what else I wore yesterday:


Our new tees!

If you come along to Handmade next weekend, you'll find us wearing our new shop tees so it's a bit easier to tell who is working and who isn't. We also have some extras for sale, in case you want to share the love. 

Anyway, The real purpose of this post is to let you know about all the new stuff that's arrived this week. We have a huge amount of Knit Pro again (hooray!). Fresh stock of Fyberspates arrived, along with more of our new machine washable 8ply, Urban. We've also got copies of the latest issue of Pom Pom in both shops and online, and a great big order of Spud & Chloe and Blue Sky Alpacas turned up. 

Phew! So many new things! It looks like we're heading for a wonderfully chilly spell a week out from the official start of winter, and I can't wait. It's my favourite time of year and the best knitting weather. We have lots of new stock heading our way so it's set to get even better. Hooray!

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