
February 03, 2012

There really is nothing like a Malabrigo yarn cuddle. It is a feast - of both colour and softness.

As Ellie so eloquently put it:

And our shelves are groaning with the weight of Malabrigo in sock, sport (arroyo) and worsted (rios) weights. Here's a peek....

Sunset & Solis in Rios ($23/100g skein)

Arroyo in l-r Candombe, Vaa and Glitter ($32/100g skein)

Arroyo in l-r Prussia Blue, Indiecita, Plomo ($32/100g skein)

We don't have Malabrigo in often and it never lasts long - some colours are almost sold out already. If you haven't had a 'Malabrigo experience' - come by for a cuddle. It will change your life!

xx tash

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