Short Rows - is there a better way?
I love short rows. Crazy about them. I adore how they add 3-dimensionality to something that would otherwise remain flat.
What i'm not such a great fan of though, is how they can look if you don't work the wraps in well enough to keep them hidden.
As I was knitting the first of several Aviatrix hats in anticipation of Justine of Just Jussi's visit, I started thinking. Surely there are some good resources around that give you some options for better short rows.
And of course, the ever amazing Alice of Socktopus comes to the rescue. I could have spent hours working my own way through lots of instructions, taking lots of photos, and she's done it all already. Alice's shadow wraps technique is my favourite - as long as I remember to use it.
(image from Alice)
See the picked up wraps? No? That's because this is such a super awesome technique. I'm a pretty big fan of not having to pick up the wrapped stitch on the way back, which I find annoying and slows things down. I suspect it'll be one of those things like Kitchener Stitch - for the first twenty or so times you work it, you need to look up the instructions. An entire Aviatrix using shadow wraps will have you a Grand Master at the technique, i'm sure!

Seeing as this Aviatrix hat knit up super fast...I think I may need to cast on another and see if I can finish two in one night.
Happy knitting, and wrapping and turning!
Amy V said:
Wow, those wraps really are invisible! I will definitely be trying this method. Thanks!
Lauren said:
Thanks so much for this – I used this method to knit the heel on my socks, and it worked like a charm!