Little Women Knits
I originally wrote this for our regular newsletter, enjoy!
I'm sitting in my office at home, looking off at the blue sky and green hills out the window, contemplating what to write to you today. It was Wellington Anniversary yesterday, which means it feels like the official start to the work year for me (and you, if you're a local!) today.
When I was on holiday I didn't knit a single stitch for a week. I read books, went to the beach and worked on a puzzle. As a compulsive maker it was a very strange occurence for me, but now that I think about it, I needed that time away from stitching in order to come back to it with renewed enthusiasm.
When I was on holiday I didn't knit a single stitch for a week. I read books, went to the beach and worked on a puzzle. As a compulsive maker it was a very strange occurence for me, but now that I think about it, I needed that time away from stitching in order to come back to it with renewed enthusiasm.
Along with lots of reading, i've been watching a lot of movies - including a trip out to see the new Little Women. It's full of fantastic knitwear, quilts and scenery, so of course I did some googling for patterns when I got home.

Beth's shawl has been released by the film's knitter, Jenn Monahan, and all proceeds from the pattern sale go towards a charity which trains women from rural communities to be solar engineers.

You can also make your own version of Jo's shawl - while it's designed for 4ply, I think it would be fantastic worked up in Quince & Co Chickadee Organic Heathers!
If you fancy a bit of crochet, there's an adorable pattern for Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth in amigurumi form:

Little Women by Carla Mitrani
Read more about Jenn Monahan's work - she's also knit for The Darkest Hour among other films, so chances are you've seen it on-screen before.