Knit Nation: Franklin Habit

August 15, 2011

About time for another Knit Nation post, yes? This one has been pushed forward for the plain and simple reason that Tash got to star in Harry Bollasockyarn's first Knit Nation report. Hooray!

Franklin is one of those people that you meet and are instantly struck by how pleasant they are. He was seriously, honestly, nice. And crazy talented. His illustrations feature in Twist Collective, he's written and illustrated books, he is a STUNNING yarn photographer, lace expert and designer....and is the most down to earth, great person. It was such a joy to meet him and have a couple quick chats in between his classes.

So thanks to Harry, Franklin's ball of sock yarn, here are some moving pictures from Knit Nation. Enjoy! Tash is right near the end at 12 minutes 20ish - excuse the tired look, a hangover may have been involved...


Marjorie Dawson

Marjorie Dawson said:

Thank you for this! Franklin made me laugh so much! The name of Holland Road will travel around the world now and people will come and find you – hurrah!


Patti said:

I’m a Franklin Fan as well, and watched his video yesterday, and heard of your shop! I will be coming to NZ over christmas/new years, and will be in Wellington (not sure exactly when yet, need to book train/ferry first) and I’m hoping to come by and see you. Are you easy to find? We won’t have a car, and plan to have at least one full day in Wellington, before taking the train to Auckland. — see you in January!

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