Rock and Purl: knitting with Rock & Roll
This week it is super exciting to have Ruth Garcia-Alcantud, aka Rock and Purl, as both our #twitknit special guest and in a guest blog post. Hooray! Add your comment to this post by 5pm Wednesday 26 Sept and we'll draw a couple lucky winners who will receive a free Rock and Purl pattern!
As part of the conversation it was decided that we'd have our first #twiknit KAL - and what better pattern to go for than Ruth's new self-release pattern, Lichen Mists. It's a real beauty of a shawl pattern! We've set up a thread in the Holland Road Yarn Co group over on Ravelry if you fancy joining in.
Ruth has been featured in loads of knitting publications including Twist Collective, Vogue Knitting, Yarn Forward and also releases independent designs.

#twitknit technical help...
Sourced by our Twitterers!
A quick run down of our favourite technical help sites and links, as mentioned during #twitknit on Monday.
Technical Knitting - a seriously good site with clear written and visual instructions, neat wee tricks and sidesteps when you make mistakes.
Techniques With Theresa on - I particularly love the tutorial on kitchener stitch, increases and decreases and fixing mistakes. Actually, ALL Theresa's tutorials are excellent.
There's also a bunch more instructional posts on that are well worth a look through.
For those who love to learn from videos, pop on over to or tried and trusted Youtube.
My absolute favourite Magic Loop tutorial can be found over here on - in case you fancy venturing into socks if you haven't already!
And the book Tash learned from - Stitch 'n bitch by Debbie Stoller
Not just for learners, this is full of handy technique tips and is a great book to have on hand when you can't be bothered going to the internet.
Have I missed anything?
#twitknit pattern round up
Our first ever Twitter Knit Chat was a huge success - thanks so much to everyone who took part! You helped make #twitknit the top trending hashtag in New Zealand! Now that's pretty awesome. I think we should try for the same every week...
Number one!
I thought a quick round up and links to some of the great patterns mentioned would be useful - so here you go!
Pathways Blanket by Frankie Brown
I Heart Aran sweater
I'm already looking forward to next Monday! Join us at 8pm NZ time for a whole lot of fun knitting chatter. There's a also a growing list of special guests being lined up for future sessions...hooray!
All new Twitter Knit Chat! Hooray!
Knit Chat on Twitter isn't a new thing - but down here in the South Pacific it can be a bit tricky to catch the American discussions.
So, why not have our own?
How it works:
- If you haven't already: Join Twitter! (it's easy, honest)
- Hop online at 8pm NZ time
- Enter 'twitknit' in the search bar or in your Twitter app
- Join the conversation!