February 11, 2011

Oh, the sweet pain

My arms hurt. I have a strip of sunburn across my back. There is paint on the bottom of my feet.

BUT the shop is starting to look like just that - a shop! The boy helped move some of the painted shelving into place last night, creating a great big space in the middle of the room. It's now a bit easier to imagine shelves of yarn, people milling around, and lots of colour. Currently everything is a bit bland - white, grey and brown in the wood floor.

Today's painting schedule involves canary yellow, more white, and possibly more grey. In a few days, hopefully, the painting will cease and yarn can start going on  shelves. Hooray!

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February 10, 2011

Real Life Crafternoon Tea with...

Granny G! Hip hip hooray!

It's super special to have NZ's own most excellent crafty podcaster visit the yarn store in the opening weekend, so that we can have an actual, real life, crafternoon tea with Granny G. We'll be supping tea, eating scones and other nommilicious things on the afternoon of 26 February, and possibly following up with an alcoholic beverage or two. Do come along, even if only to hear Genny's wonderful voice wax lyrical about craft.

We've also got Genny's beautiful, top quality linen tea towels in store, with a rather tasty scone recipe. Yum!

yum yum!

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February 08, 2011

Things I never thought...

I'd need:

- concrete sealer

really? A few days ago I didn't even know the stuff existed. Thanks to the very very helpful staff at the Resene colourshop across the road from the shop, i've even used it!

Also, what else would I do with a vintage clothes dryer, a bread bin from Holland, and an old dewey decimal library catalogue chest - but put them all in the shop. Of course.

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February 07, 2011

Being grateful

Ugh, how very Oprah of me to have a being grateful post!

There are some people that have been helpful in the extreme over the past year and a bit - my family, the boy - especially the boy, my ever patient friends, people that started off as strangers and have become real friends and allies. Thanks to you all - this wouldn't be happening without you.

PS - when the shop opens, make sure you 'oooh' and 'aaah' over my big white table. The boy made it. And some other bits and pieces. But the table is the best. Perfect for winding yarn, cups of tea, books, meetings, stitching, crafting, gossiping, chatting,....

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February 05, 2011

Sweet bejeebus - it's Malabrigo!

I literally just arrived home to the most wonderful package a knitter could ever wish for - a parcel full of Malabrigo!


If you are after a fondle of this sweet, sweet yarn, you better be quick - I have super limited supplies to start. We'll have Rios and sock - the best two, if you ask me. OM nom nom nom....divinity in yarn, I swear.

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