February 22, 2011


Wellington feels extremely far from Christchurch right now.

After a wonderful shop opening, i'm just catching up on the images connected to the news of the Christchurch earthquake, and I just feel ill.

Margaret and David Stove are ok, if shaken and without precious possessions.

As some small gesture, although it does seem very small - 20% of all Knitsch Sock sales online and instore until 1 March will go to the charity deemed to be doing the best work with people.

Kia kaha, Christchurch - all my love goes to you.

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February 21, 2011

A bit of colour

lellow and blooo

Guess the colour palette!

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February 15, 2011

The book of grey

Well, gray actually but I can't being myself to call it that!

I have this terrible habit of always opting for grey when it comes to knitted garments. One of the reasons socks struck a chord - any colour goes as socks don't really have to match the rest of an outfit.

Anyway, the book of grey is full of wonderful and inspiring patterns - think i'll knit a few. In grey, of course. And if you're in NZ, our exchange rate is rather good against the euro right now, so it's even better value! Yay!

rrrrraaaaaaaaahhhhhhImage from the Book of Gray

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February 12, 2011

Comments, Ahoy!

By some freakish twist of life, i've managed to fix the comments issue - so now you can comment away! Hooray!

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February 12, 2011


Very quickly - catching up on blogs this morning one of them linked to Joie - a free online magazine celebrating joyful living.

Beautiful concept, gorgeous images - worth keeping an eye on!

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